About Us
The Bull Street Light Room is a Media Production Studio and Exhibition Space
available for renting in 2, 3, 6, 8, 12 hour time blocks. We offer:
Great Natural Light
Full Day and Multi-Day Rentals
Monthly Memberships are Available
Students receive a 10% discount
NEW: Lighting is Now Available by Request!
2 Westcott FJ 400 and FJ-X3 Wireless Trigger
​The Following Equipment Included in your Rental​​
2 paper 8ft Backdrops White and Grey
Black Blackout Backdrop
64” Shoot Through Umbrella
30 x 40 Soft box for Alien Bees
2 stripe soft boxes for Alien Bees
2 Godox Parabolic Deep Softboxes Bowens mount
2x3 Ft Small Westcott Soft Box Bowens Mount
3x4 Ft Glow Soft box Bowens Mount
V-Flat Reflector
Westcott Eye-Lighter
2 Light stands
2 C Stands
Backdrop Stand
2 Large Sand Bags
Client Viewing lounge with TV
Gallery Wall
Make up table
Work Table
Garage Door For Natural Light and easy access to unload gear
And much More!
The Prop Collection
Contact Us
3131 Bull Street Suite C, Savannah, GA 31405
(912) 226-6929
We are so excited to offer this creative space to our community! To make this dream a reality we did a Kickstarter to raise the funds to open the studio. A huge THANK YOU to our friends and community for helping us make this happen! We were able to raise $6000 to get the ball rolling! Schedule a visit with us today to check out if it is what you need for your next project!
We are Angela and Wayne Lee!
Our goal for this space is to provide you with a space to let your creativity flow!

3131 Bull Street Suite C, Savannah GA 31405
(912) 226-6929